
The Time of your life




No one knows what is going to happen in next moment,

But I can CHOOSE how to spend My Time at THIS MOMENT.


To me, I am ready at anytime as I almost lost my life. I consider every new day is a bonus to me.  If my health allows me, I will DO AS MUCH AS I CAN. If you like to know what projects I have done or I am doing after my injury, check it out in my Project page.


I seem to have  less than 24 hours that I can control. But I remember the 80/20 Rule. Yaro Starak shared “What Is The 80/20 Rule And Why It Will Change Your Life”I am experiencing that  my 20% FULL FORCE FOCUS time is more productive and enjoyable than the  rest of my 80% time. What is your PASSION?


My friend and I have launched an exciting My dis-ABILITIES book project last week. Apart from looking for people contributing their stories, we also seek authors to help write the book, as well as proofreaders, an illustrator, and an editor.  It would be a great opportunity for creative people to use the project to enhance their portfolios or as a stepping stone in their career.