I am NOT RIGHT …. any more?!

Not Right





“Oh, it’s NOT RIGHT!” 😣

“It’s too RIGHT!” 😣

“It’s just RIGHT!” 😁


What am I talking about? Well, those are the comments to my carer when they put me on the bed or on the chair.


My injury level is C5 with ASIA B classificationWhat does it mean?

C = cervical spine (neck),

5 = the 5th bones from the top in this range,

ASIA = (Americana Spinal Injury Association) Standards are used by health professionals to determine if your injury is complete or incomplete. It scores and records all spinal cord injuries in the same way, which enables records from all spinal units around the world to be accurately compared.

B= there is Sensation and Sacral sparing, but not movement below the level of injury.


In simple English, my injury level is at the fifth bone of neck with incomplete sensation and sacral sparing, but no movement below my chest. It also affects my four limbs. My fingers are not moved or in full range of movement. The fingers basically open and close together, like baby in very early stage.


If I am NOT in RIGHT spot, RIGHT posture or RIGHT arrangement, I am NOT RIGHT. I can’t correct it myself. Please help me RIGHT now.


1 thought on “I am NOT RIGHT …. any more?!

  1. Terri, thanks for such an informative and funny post. I think you are right, your not-right side of the brain is growing. I hope that you will reach many of your dreams and that you will blog about it so that we can celebrate with you.

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