Life Skill Set (Part One)


When meeting with people (known or unknown), below are some possible dialogues:  


  • “Can you walk?” or “Can you move your legs?”


           (They shake their heads) “Poor gal!”

(“If you REALLY think like this, you are poorer than me! Poor man!”)


  • “Are you married?”


           (a bit shock on their face)

(“I think I am still too “young” to get married?!”)


  • “Do you live with anyone?”


           (They look relieved, then walk away.)

(“I feel I live in “Hilton”.”)



These questions are closed end. They asked for the fact or situation. The answers may be simply “Yes.” or “No.” Some people are happy with these SHORT answers. I AM NOT. These questions stop people who want to express the thoughts or feelings. And their reaction shows their inner assumptions.


We have CHOICES. Even though for closed end questions, can you THINK DIFFERENTLY to have NEW conversation?

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