Attack (Part One)


Physical Attack


1. There are many insects in Australia, ranging from mosquitoes to spiders. They are tiny but they are annoying if they lay on my skin. I can see them landing on my toes, but I cannot reach them or kill them. And they would suck my blood or leave me itchy bites. Help me kill them please!!


2. People may put unwanted Furnitures, Household Stuff, unwanted Building Materials ( sometimes still have sharp nails on it) on pavements, parking Cars on Driveway where it is for public access. People in wheelchair like me cannot pass through, I can only wheel to the road or detour.


It happened to me recently. I was stuck on pavement for 45 minutes after 10pm. Somebody parked the car irresponsibly right in the middle of the pavement on their driveway and blocked my way of getting through. I found there was no hope for me to go in a roundabout way to bypass it for if I did so, my wheels would get caught and dragged by the soil pool nearby. It is illegal. I will report to the Council if I ever see it again.


3. Unloaded stocks in supermarket corridor or shoes everywhere near the door entrance. It narrows the corridor. I will drop stuffs or get stuck when passing through.