( Continue from Names (Part One) )
Bag Lady (sounds like Bad Lady)
Many Women like buying handbags. How many do they carry each time? Usually one, or maximum two. I carry at least 3 bags when going out: one for holding my draining bag; one for my personal belongings like cutlery, cup, paper, lunch box …; the last one is my wallet. If going out to have my physiotherapy appointment, I need to bring another bag for my sling. If the day has a high chance of raining, I need a bag with my raincoat too. Can you imagine that I have bags around me on the left and at the back. (My wheelchair control is on the right) If going shopping, I look like a trolley with bags of stuffs hanging on both back handles of my wheelchair. Bag lady is not not too bad, she is useful if you are running out of hands.