Catch the ball

16 different types of balls


After I finished my exercise, he came back to me to take the weights off from my wrists. I said to him, “ Next time…

Don’t throw me the plastic ball !

Don’t throw me the tennis ball !

Don’t throw me the basketball !

But give me the fish ball, meat ball or cheese ball. I can “catch the ball” …. with my mouth.”

What does “the ball” mean to you?

Fishballs & Meatballs


2 thoughts on “Catch the ball

    1. I think I must be hungry when making the response. 🙂
      If close to Christmas time, I may think of silverballs, magnet balls or crystal balls.
      If working in medical field, I may think of eyeballs, … other balls related to the body. :p
      I like stars and solar system recently. May be Venus, Mercury, Moon, Mars are my “balls”..

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