Catch the ball

16 different types of balls

One day, while I was doing my weight lifting exercise in the gym, my physical educator threw an elastic ball towards to my direction from my “4 o’clock” direction which was out of my sight. I did not aware but I was not hit.


He came towards to me to put the ball back to the storage. He said “ Sorry! You cannot catch the ball. (3 seconds later) But you can catch it with your mouth. (Laughing)” Then he wheeled away.


2 thoughts on “Catch the ball

    1. I think I must be hungry when making the response. 🙂
      If close to Christmas time, I may think of silverballs, magnet balls or crystal balls.
      If working in medical field, I may think of eyeballs, … other balls related to the body. :p
      I like stars and solar system recently. May be Venus, Mercury, Moon, Mars are my “balls”..

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