Summer time coming soon in Australia and there is fire disaster here every year. It is usually a natural disaster or due to human fault. But what if there is unexpected or out of control fire at kitchen now, do you know how to manage it? Have you used or learnt to use fire extinguisher before? If not, better check the instruction and learn how and when to use it when you are still safe. There will be no time to do it if there is a fire. And learn what action to take for different situation. There are different types of fire extinguisher for different types of fire.
Not all fire are always bad.
I like camp fire in camping site. I like HK style barbeque, not a big friend of Auz Barbie. I like wooden oven pizza and charcoal lamb stew. If the fire is managed well, it is a good fire.
Invisible Fire
There is another “fire” which is invisible. It is in people’s heart. Sometimes it is just a spark which is a little idea or thought. Sometimes it would be developed overtime and become bigger and bigger. It may influence others to have a “fire party” together (e.g. project, campaign, business partners, scientist research …). When others hear this type of “fire”, some people acts like “fire extinguisher”. They may say, “It does not work. Don’t waste time. How old are you? How many experience do you have? …” To me, what did not happen, does not mean it will not happen.