Life Skill Set (Part Two)



The Scientific Study & Biblical View

in Resilience


In the article “Perseverance and the Science of Resilience: Applying Biblical Principles in Trials”, Rick Avent shares the scientific study of resilience and how these principles are related to biblical perseverance. Below is the summary. It is highly recommended and please find some time to read the article.

1. Develop a core set of beliefs that nothing can shake.
2. Try to find meaning in whatever stressful or traumatic thing has happened.

3. Try to maintain a positive outlook.

4. Take cues from someone who is especially resilient.

5. Don’t run from things that scare you; face them.

6. Be quick to reach out for support when things go haywire.

7. Learn new things as often as you can.

8. Don’t beat yourself up or dwell on the past.

9. Find an exercise regimen you’ll stick to.

10. Recognize what makes you uniquely strong—and own it.