


Palmer pocketDue to my spinal cord injury, I became tetraplegia (also called quadriplegia). It affects the movement function of my four limbs. Before undertaking the upper limb operations, I hardly grip anything even a tissue paper. I can feed myself, but I need to put a palmer pocket, a strip with a pocket, around my palm, and insert the spoon or fork in the pocket. As you can imagine, I CANNOT PICK UP object. I need to have tables around and put on different objects which I may try to pick with my both arms and hands, like a pair of forceps.


I always need someone around me to stand by as I am a busy BEE, always like to do something. Or I need their assistance in picking up something after I dropped. Sometimes things were not done as I like. I felt frustrating or I needed to reduce my expectations. I don’t like to say too much “Please” & “Thank You”. Based on my observations and hearing, they felt bored, annoyed, helping like a voice controlled robot or slave or wasted time…


“… Yeah, I got issues, And one of them is how bad I need you…”